Deep Dive
"Deep Dive" devotion to Audio/Visual Education & Learning.
Take Action with me on expanding your photography journey!
Fascinating Photographic & Motion Picture History in the public domain...
Hope you enjoy! (Added to Regularly!)The Art of Seeing
The Art of Seeing. Is it Innate talent? Is it a Skill? Can it be Taught? Hint: Yes.
The Craft of the Frame
Photography as a craft utilizes a myriad of skills to create a desired frame. Here we'll dive into those skills, such as lighting, depth of field, exposure, and tips & tricks.
Deep dive into the post-production processes (stills & motion) of Retouching, Restoration, Colorizing, Color & Exposure Correction, Color Grading, and Batch Processing.
AI - The Elephant in the Darkroom
My statement on AI in regards to Photography.
Yes, this image is AI generated.
Obvious or not, it needs to be disclosed.Jigsaw Puzzles
OK, Maybe not a "Deep Dive," but FUN!